Invisible inc
Invisible inc

invisible inc

invisible inc invisible inc

It's enjoyably tense as you try and use as few turns as you can to achieve your objective, but there's always an underlying temptation to stay longer to try and get more equipment or money to help outfit your agents. We could spend a helluva lot of time listing every intertwined mechanical nuance that makes up the infiltration stages in Invisible, Inc., but suffice to say that as every turn passes, and the security alert level slowly ticks up, new challenges will present themselves as additional guards arrive on the scene, previously hacked systems get rebooted, and hostile computer programs appear to protect vulnerable systems. Whether it's a security camera, power generator, lootable safe, or a database revealing the location of certain assets within a level, having access will help you move around undetected so you can get out before the ever escalating security measures make your life very difficult.


Using a suite of programs controlled by Incognita, you can spend 'power' – gained mainly by hacking certain terminals in a level – in order to crack their protection, giving you control over that particular electronic item. Hacking is by far the biggest tool at your disposal, and by pressing triangle you'll bring up an overlay view that shows the hackable items that you've identified in a level – as well how many firewalls you need to breach to take control of it.

Invisible inc